Bye Bye Bove Town


Staying with Sig and Karin Lonegren in their lovely Bove Town home in Glastonbury has been a true delight over the past 16 years,  and I consider it one of my happy places. Oh the walks and talks, meals and meetings we’ve enjoyed there over the years! I always leave feeling inspired and energized. This morning when we said our goodbyes there was a thread of bittersweet nostalgia
weaving through as they prepare to move on to a new home and new adventures in the Netherlands. A piece of my heart will always remain in this sweet house (which is, by the way, now on the market if you are looking for a house in Glastonbury.)


From Glastonbury we headed further west to Gloucestershire (Wales) where Jeff lectured to the Slimbridge dowsers on the history of labyrinths. After lunch, we had just enough time to walk down the road to where an old sign gave a clue to the existence of a now long-gone turf labyrinth.


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