2016 Swedish Labyrinth Pilgrimage
Regular readers will remember my posts about our 2015 Swedish Labyrinth Tour, and we are now working hard on plans for returning in 2016. Once again, we’ll be working with…
Read MoreRegular readers will remember my posts about our 2015 Swedish Labyrinth Tour, and we are now working hard on plans for returning in 2016. Once again, we’ll be working with…
Read MoreThis was the view out the window of the plane as we flew out of Sweden on Sunday evening – an ulta-bright double rainbow, a symbol of promise and love….
Read MoreWe spent our last day in Gotland (last Saturday, but I’ve fallen a bit behind) driving to the southern tip of the island to attend a special event at the…
Read MoreI just can't get enough of the sun, sea, and sky here on Gotland. The peace of the island and my joy at being in this beautiful place is permeating…
Read MoreA nigh unto perfect day for exploring and labyrinth walking yesterday… the sun was out, the wind was easing, and spring is in its prime here on Gotland. It was…
Read MoreWe drove up to the north end of Gotland to see two of the old labyrinths, at Hallshuk and Othem, and to search for a newer one that we had…
Read MoreVisby is one of the more colourful and charming places I’ve ever had the pleasure of visiting. But of course it would be colourful – it is, after all, Pippi…
Read MoreWe have arrived on Gotland and have spotted our first labyrinth. My heart always thrills when I see these big ferries coming in to take us to faraway places. Our…
Read MoreOne of the best parts of travel is experiencing how different places feel and look. In Sweden the lines are eye-catchingly clean and crisp, and there is an efficiency that…
Read MoreWe covered many miles yesterday, driving around London on the M25 to the new and improved Heathrow Terminal 2 (wow, I still can’t believe we enjoyed our time at that…
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