I woke up on New Year’s morning 2015 with an idea that refused go away quietly. I can be quite reclusive, especially in the winter when England’s cold and damp weather drive me deep into my cozy hermit cave. In considering what I want for myself and what word I might choose to guide my year, I considered some of the obvious-to-me words and phrases: showing up, growing, listening, connecting, colour, vitality, all of which are qualities I want to invite into my year, but none of which express the reality of my bigger picture. Then it hit me that of all my new year resolutions, the one I really want to keep is my promise to go for a walk every day. Every day. No rules, no step goals or external demands, just a practice of walking, every day, no matter what.
Spiritual practices have always been a passion for me, and keeping this resolution has clearly been a spiritual practice. I never wanted it to be drudgery, however, I want it to be a fun and energizing practice, something to love as well as being good for me. It began to dawn on me that walking in the world goes a lot deeper than just taking a daily walk. It prepares me for my next pilgrimage, it keeps me healthy and active, it connects to my knitting (I knit socks), my labyrinth work (I walk labyrinths), and my writing (walking is recommended for stirring the creative fires). Even more, a daily walk takes me out of the house and into the world, every day — which is a really big thing to my Hermit Self!
My “word” for 2015 was walking in the world, and this blog was my gift to both myself and my readers. Those entries are still online, but the world – and my life – have changed since then, of course. Blogging became a sporadic endeavour, primarily to record my various pilgrimages. And this is why I’m breathing life back into it again – I’m preparing to go walking again. I’m already out training most days and will be heading to France for another pilgrimage from Paris in September 2023. As friends have asked if they can follow my journey, it made sense to pick up where I left off.
This was never meant to be my usual sort of blog — I want it to be more of a sketchbook or playground where I can show up just as I am – this is me, without my makeup!
Walking is good for the soul, for all manner of reasons. I hope you will join me as I explore my world with my walking shoes!