Tracking the Gruffalo

We started this year as we mean to go on…. with a walk into the wild!

With our granddaughter in hand, and accompanied by some intrepid adventurers, we set off in search of the mythical Gruffalo, determined to follow his tracks and catch a glimpse in the deep, dark woods of Essex, where even the trees have a curious look, as if they could amble off at amble of at any moment.

Gruffalo Tree

We grappled with the local wildlife and discussed the possible benefits of eating roasted fox


or scrambled snake


We poked our noses into ravines and huts
(and one of our party bravely volunteered to investigate every single mud puddle on the path)


Until we finally found our Gruffalo!
And he was as friendly as can be…


And so was his child!


What? You’ve never heard of a Gruffalo?


2 thoughts on “Tracking the Gruffalo

  1. I love The Gruffalo! I’m waiting until my grandson is a wee bit older to read him the story.

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