Birthday Treats


The rains that were predicted for the weekend never really materialized, so yesterday afternoon we admired the flowers and gardens that are growing and changing day by day as we walked through the village en route to a Very Special Birthday Party.


My friend Jasper turned 2 years old and he celebrated by throwing a party for his family and friends. I’m pleased to report that not only does he chow down on ribs (and red peppers) like a pro, but he has already mastered the word NO, which officially admits him into the Terrible Twos — and oh, golly, he’s heart-meltingly cute! Jasper also proved his mettle with sustained and ongoing dinosaur roars with which he entertained his guests while his parents plied us with fine eats, including these amazing Oreo cupcakes (including a batch made without gluten for me)!

Oreo cupcakes

Aren’t birthdays grand? Happy Birthday, Jasper!