While I know that many of my loved ones are still shivering in their winter boots, England is enjoying a taste of early spring – whether it will last or not is anyone’s guess in these uncertain times, but at the moment there is a definite feel of springtime in the air. My soul responds to the gentle greening of the world around me, and I find myself reaching for my pens and paints while Mother Earth stirs and begins to send forth her colourful shoots and blooms.
Our granddaughter often plants a basket of spring bulbs as a gift for us, and these beauties are brightening our patio for the second year running, while tiny bunches of crocus flowers are running riot on the lawn.
Walking in West Wood yesterday, Jeff scanned the treetops to see what might be roosting or flying and I poked around on the ground looking for signs of emerging flora. It’s always a joy to find a sunny corner with daffodils waving brave and bright over the foliage of bluebells not yet in bloom.
spring songs stir the wood –
happy daffodils herald
bluebells yet to bloom
Thank you, Kimberly, for this bouquet of spring musings and discoveries!
B-U-T_Full A treat as you can do~ Lots of love, Nydia