Weaving a Walk


It’s the morning after the month before…. and I was out walking in the fog as though it were any normal Sunday morning. Which, of course, it is.

I set myself a mighty challenge at the end of September. After a scary few months of nearly debilitating hip pain which brought me to the point of wondering if I would ever walk pain-free again, I noticed a bit of easing, a parting of the clouds, and I decided to go for it with everything I’ve got. I decided to fight for my mobility and vitality. When I first started wearing my pedometer again, 2500 steps was average, and 5,000 steps in a day was punishing. I decided to try notching that total to 10,000 for the entire month of October — and I’ve done it! According to my Fitbit, I walked 369,421 steps and climbed 630 floors last month — averaging nearly 12,000 steps and 20 flights of stairs per day!

By the middle of the month, I was losing my stiffness, and the challenge became one of time as much as mobility. On busy and rainy days, getting those steps took real determination, and required quite a bit of advance scheduling and encouragement from friends near and far. My stiffness has evaporated, and my limp-y gait has disappeared. My steps flow again, and my circulation is improving.

There were so many days this past summer when I had to keep my walks quite short, so perhaps it was a good thing that I had my blog to lure me out the door for even those brief forays into my world! My daily walks are much longer now, and they are once again bringing me great joy.

Meanwhile, this morning’s fog and the season’s spiders put on a real show for me as I walked. Spiderwebs fascinate me with their beauty and intricacy, and after my ritual of remembrance last night, they served to remind me of the communities we weave as we travel through our lives, with gossamer threads connecting us one to another.

2 thoughts on “Weaving a Walk

  1. That’s wonderful Kim! Are bodies are like labyrinths… when they are not used (or minimally through whatever circumstance) they get lost… (use ir or loose it, isn’t that the saying?)Love!

  2. What a truly amazing lady you are. I am so proud and grateful to know you and you are a true inspiration to all. You go girl and top marks. Love JoyXXX

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