I’m still enjoying my memories of being in the Netherlands last week, and I just can’t resist showing you a few more tiles and treats. As I wandered through the Tegelmuseum, I found myself lingering in two particular rooms – the one dedicated to depictions of Bible stories and the one showing modern-ish commercial commissions. In the Biblical room, I spent quite a while searching out depictions of Mary and the Christ Child
but while looking for those, others caught my eye. I know this is Daniel, but it reminds me of the Strength card from the tarot.
In a room devoted to more modern tile commissions, I spent a long time lingering over this one which clearly celebrated the bookseller’s 50th anniversary in full colour. Something about it took me right back to childhood, with stories that I could recognize, and buildings that invited me in. I wanted to walk out of the museum and be on this street!
Coming home that evening, my roommate, Els’ childhood companion Bromber, seemed to join me in my nostalgia. Els’ father gave her the bear on her first birthday, and he has accompanied her throughout her life. She made his outfit when she was still a young schoolgirl – a worthy accomplishment! I enjoyed knowing he was there in my room at night as I settled in to sleep – and I enjoy knowing he is there to watch over my friend now that I’m back home!
And now that I’m home, I have this little beauty hanging in our room to remind me of the tiles I fell in love with. Els brought this to us the first time she visited here; I believe it once belonged to her mother.
Memories run deep, and nourish the soul.
It was a joy taking you there Kim.. I love to go there myself and keep seeing different things every time.
I will wash Brombers 70 years outfit and repair his foot… we still have some years to go together !