We are still on Iona, feeling blessed to be here for so long. Unfortunately for my career as a blogger, our internet connectivity has been patchy at best. Sometimes though letting go is the best thing possible, as I’ve been able to go deep within. I have stories to tell, but they may have to wait a bit longer.
We spent yesterday hiking back out to Columba’s Bay on the other side of the island. The mist was hanging low over the hills, making for a damp and mystical adventure. Arriving on the beach, we found that the recent Atlantic swells have worked a lovely bit of magic for us, washing up more tumbled marble than we have ever seen on any of our previous trips – beachcombing at its best!
The labyrinth? It sits safely out of reach of the tides, so we enjoyed a quiet walk and were able to add some especially beautiful new stones before we headed back into the hills for our walk home.
Back on the edge of the village, we stopped to enjoy another little labyrinth, a one-day marvel created on the sand at Martyrs Bay by pilgrims earlier in the day. The tide has washed it out to sea by now, and our photos are on a temporarily inaccessible camera, do I’ll have to post photos some other time.
After attending evening services at the Abbey, we ended our day by watching the full moon rise up over the Sound of Iona. We will leave this holy island later today.
Kimberly, I will await the rest of your Iona stories. The island is a special place for me. The first visit I got lost on the way to Columba’s Bay, obviously I wasn’t meant to find it. The second visit we easily made our way there , walked the labyrinth and collected Iona marble, one piece is now a lovely pendant I wear often. Iona is a mystical, magical place. Have you read Iona Dreaming by Clare Cooper Marcus? I saw it listed on the Veriditas website as a preparation for their Iona Retreat. I dream of another visit some day.