September! Perhaps it was because I spent so many (many) years as a student that September will always mean back-to-school, even when I have no formal school to go back to. New books. Shiny pens. Fresh goals. High excitement. Crisp apples. I’m not in school anymore, but the autumnnal undertones are flowing strong. The slow, lazy days of August are already gone and I’m recommitting to my projects and goals. I bought a new FitBit this afternoon so I can go back to counting my steps, and I’ll be back to daily(ish) blogging about my walks and forays into the world. My goal, however, isn’t to walk a certain amount of steps each day, but to move enough to feel strong and flexible without overdoing and hurting my hip. That goal isn’t very quantifiable, but wearing a pedometer really does help me stay honest about how much walking I actually do in a given day, and I think I walk farther and more often because of it.
We made a day out of our shopping expedition, enjoying each other’s company, outfitting our kitchen with new dishes and cutlery, lunching on pizza. Along with the normal shopping centre sights, we also came across this curious modern sculpture in the carpark:
Oddly, it looked more purposeful than reckless. Go figure. Modern art?
Oh, and I ordered myself a new pen this afternoon. Because it’s September.
Maybe you should have yarn bombed the sculpture!!
Oh if only I’d had my knitting needles with me…
As we seak I’m charging my pedometer (Nike fuelband)